Thursday, April 24, 2008


It's that time of year again! The Toronto Indepentent Games Jam is going to kick ass from May 9th all the way to May 11th! 72 hours baby! Non-stop!
This year's theme is reflective of TOJAM founder, Jim McGinley's quirky sense of humor: "cheese".
I won't say what my entry is but the arsenal on the left will promise a satisfying degree of unadulterated pwnage.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Assault Team! Assemble!

Time for another update! The assault team consists of three types of soldiers, the assault rifle soldier, the shotgun soldier and the shield soldier. These guys drop into the scene in squads via zip-line and will hopefully prove a fun challenge to dispatch.

While I go slave away at figuring out how these guys will behave, you guys can enjoy these new sprites fresh out of Graphics Gale! If you have any suggestions as to how the assault team should behave, or any ideas of your own for enemies, leave a comment!