Monday, May 19, 2008


Well TOJAM3 was awesome. Although we didn't beat the Nordic games Jam in terms of attendance, we gave them a good run for their money. We made a huge library of awesome games to boot! Big pat on the back to my Co-organizers Jim McGinley, Emily McGinley and Rob Segal who are quite literally the blood and flesh of TOJAM3.

My experience at TOJAM3 was unfortunately deprived. While the Jam began on Friday evening and ended on Sunday night, the extent of my participation was as follows: Arrived late on Friday, stayed till around 5pm on Saturday, came back on Sunday at around 4pm.

My TOJAM3 game took a few adventurous twists and turns. It started off as a sequel to my TOJAM1 game Super Hamster Air Combat but quickly turned into a crimson earth clone with a tank. My game did have a few interesting bits; firstly it was entirely mouse controlled which made for very enjoyable redbull-in-hand testing sessions. Secondly I absolutely love the turret mounted machine gun on the tank even though it can't aim to save its own life (literally).

While the TOJAM3 arcade is coming up soon, I unfortunately won't be able to make it since I'm quite literally on the other side of the world right now. I will however try to fix my game up to be a more play-worthy game.


Vera said...

Though I've left no comments, I've been checking your blog sporadically since it was posted on Total-Klik (who seem to be sparse with their updates as well, recently). Anyway, I'm looking forward to sneaking mission along with you TOJAM entry. Please don't stop this.


Eric SM said...

What happened Jerry? You suddenly stopped posting... I can't wait for your game, it looks really cool!

I really like your games, especially Splinter Source and Robotron Blitz...Also your pixel art skills are great!

If it's not too much to ask could you give me a download link to the newest version of Robotron Blitz? I searched on google like crazy for this but all that i found was a old broken link that you posted on the IGDA forums.
I really hope to see you posting again.

-Eric SM

Sam said...

Heh, have to say I love the theme of the cheese blaster game. Was this inspired by cheese in a can? This product is big in our game development studio, esp among the interns...